The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature, especially the old testament, are unparalleled. 作为一部文学作品,《圣经》,特别是《旧约》的丰富多彩,是前所未有的。
One of the12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Habakkuk. 《旧约》中十二小先知之一,传统上认为是〈哈巴谷书〉的作者。
We know how Jesus himself completed and even changed the Old Testament. 我们知道基督怎样满全了旧约,甚至修改了旧约。
This reminds me of the Old Testament account of Abraham when he was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. 这让我想起,圣经旧约中关于亚伯拉罕的故事,当他被神要求将他的儿子以瑟献为燔祭。
Suddenly you got all moral, rampaging like the Old Testament prophet. 突然间你板起了道德面孔,象个旧约拥护者那样暴跳如雷起来。
A book in the Old Testament that tells the story of Jonah and the whale. 旧约的一卷,讲述约拿和鲸的故事。
Taboos surrounding menstruation and sex have existed since the times of the Old Testament. 月经和性的禁忌早在旧约的时候就存在了。
British vicar has preached his way into the record books by giving a30-hour sermon on the Old Testament. 英国一位牧师创造了连续布道30个小时的世界纪录,他用以布道的材料是《圣经旧约》。
One of my favorite characters in the Old Testament of the Bible was a man who understood this. 在旧约圣经中我最喜爱的人物之一就了解这一点。
Christians see the New Testament as the fulfillment of the promise of the Old Testament. 基督教将《新约》视为对《旧约》中诺言的实践。
The law as seen in the Old Testament often leaves us with a feeling of guilt and failure. 旧约的律法只会让我们停留在罪咎和失败中。
God's holiness has been revealed in the old testament. 在旧约里,神已经启示了他的圣洁。
It is revealed that the aesthetic conceptions in the Old Testament contain both perceptual beauty and rational beauty. 揭示了旧约的审美思想中同时包容了感性之美和理性之美;
The Bible is divided into two parts, namely the Old Testament and the New Testament. 《圣经》分为二部分,即《旧约全书》和《新约全书》。
The Old Testament tells the story of the people of God; 旧约圣经讲述了神的子民的故事;
What are some exceptions to this rule in the old testament? 在旧约时期对这个规则有一些什么例外?
The Book of Malachi is the last in the canon of the Old Testament Prophets. 该玛拉基书是最后一次在佳能的旧约先知。
The Dead Sea Scrolls support the dating of the Old Testament. 死海古卷证实了旧约的年代日期。
The first book of the old testament: tells of creation; adam and eve; the fall of man; cain and abel; noah and the flood; god's covenant with abraham; abraham and isaac; jacob and esau; joseph and his brothers. 旧约的第一卷;讲述起源;亚当和夏娃;人类的堕落;该隐和亚伯;诺亚和洪水;上帝和亚伯拉罕的契约;亚伯拉罕和艾萨克;雅各布和以扫。
The Old Testament characters Job and Daniel had much in common. 旧约人物但以理和约伯,有许多共同之处。
Let's see. I could read the Old Testament in hebrew. 让我想想,我可以用希伯来语念旧约。
The Old Testament is the foundation stone in the religion of the Jews-the Muslims and Christians. 旧约是犹太人的宗教的基石-穆斯林和基督徒。
The second Old Testament patriarch; son of Abraham and sarah; father of Jacob and esau. 第二本《旧约全书》的创办者;亚伯拉罕和沙拉的儿子;雅各布和以扫的父亲。
Israelite warrior hero of the Old Testament Book of Judges. 《旧约.士师记》中的以色列战士英雄。
Old Testament prophet, the first after Moses and the last of the judges of ancient Israel. 《旧约》中的先知。是继摩西之后第一位也是古代以色列士师中最后一位。
Christ: the messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the old testament. 救世主:《旧约》中的先知们预言的救世主。
The mother-in-law of Ruth whose story is told in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. 鲁思的婆婆她的故事在《旧约全书》中的鲁思篇中有讲述。
The book of Revelation is very deep in the Old Testament roots and Hebrew. 这本书的启示是十分深刻的,在旧约圣经的根源和希伯来文。
Biblical archeology has two main branches: Old Testament archeology and New Testament archeology. 圣经考古有两个主要分支:旧约圣经考古和新约圣经考古。
It is the third book of the Old Testament but it speaks of Christ. 的确,利未记是旧约的第三卷书,可是,它却预表了基督。